Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why So Blue?

Forget the notion that having the "case of the blues" represents a bad thing.  What comes to your mind when you see a bright blue sky? Purity? Prosperity? Freedom? What is it about a specific color that immediately makes a subconscious image in your mind?  For some reason, our minds react toward colors and emulate a special significance and an emotional feeling associated to it.  Lets explore the color blue.
Blue has always had a special meaning to a bride, according to tradition; they should always remember something blue.  But what is it about this color that has transmitted such a special connotation throughout the years?  Well, blue has been connected to weddings for centuries.  According to ancient history, brides wore blue in Rome to symbolize love, modesty and fidelity.  This idea is believed to have been created by the typical image seen in the Virgin Mary, who has always been featured wearing blue.

And where did the sense of calmness and prosperity come from?  It was thought that when our ancestors looked upon the blue of a new day, they felt safe after experiencing the fear of the previous night.
Now, dark blue is a total different story.  It has been associated with power and authority as we see on uniforms of policeman. It is surprising how the same color has different meanings.  So what does the color blue represent to you?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Carnaval or is it Carnival?

The carnivals are in full swing in most of the Caribbean and South America, and their music, colors and folklore have invaded the US.  All around town you will be sure to bump into one of these celebrations. If it is either the samba from Brazil, the cumbia from Colombia or the calypso from Trinidad and Tobago, one sure thing they share is the same yearning feeling for their homeland and desire to party.  So dance the night away!  

   {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}
{Barranquilla, Colombia}

                             {Trinidad and Tobago}

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Enjoying the Outdoors

Coconut Grove's annual Art Festival will be held this year from February 13 -15, 2010, commencing with the Palette Breakfast, a lavish breakfast at the Ritz Carlton Coconut Grove Hotel where everyone invited will meet the 2010 poster artists.  

This will be the 47th edition of this fun event that is perfect for the entire family.  Known for its outdoorsy environment filled with art, --over 330 artists are invited to exhibit their creations-- while at the same time enjoying some fine, world cuisine and live entertainment. With this great weather we have been enjoying recently, The Vice will definitely be attending this event at Coconut Grove.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Loving the Little Things in Life

Valentine’s Day is characterized for being a day to celebrate love.  It is mostly concentrating in the love for another person, but why stop there.  So many lovely things that deserve our attention and affection surround us; the beauty of a clear blue sky, the enchanting smell of fresh baked goods, the oh-so-good welcoming smiles of your pet.  The Vice promises to not fall victim this year of the Valentine’s Day gimmick and instead, enjoy the “love day” just loving everything.