Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Calling All Ladies… Fabulous Ladies

The Infinite Vice and Everything Nice is your one stop spot of what to see, where to go, who’s on top and everything else in between. 

And what better way to start off with our right foot than by introducing you with this great find!  
The Ladies Lounge A.K.A. LL, was founded in 2003 in Los Angeles to unite sassy, fabulous women in a casual social environment. And now Miami ladies are lucky to be able to have the LL experience with its recently launched Miami chapter. 

Monthly meetings explore topics ranging from goal setting and charity events to wine tasting and more. Sex and the City anyone?? Only thing missing is the coffee shop but why meet at one place when Miami’s scene boasts with a playground filled with infinite social hubs. 
International Wine and Cheese Pairing sessions, live jazz at the MOCA, summer BBQs at His House Children’s home for foster kids and City of Miami Beach Sleepless Nights are one of the few past events that LL Miami members have enjoyed.  Stay tuned for the upcoming December meeting when LL Miami will be sipping on hot cocoa and enjoying one funky Christmas night, while making knitting hip again.  Granny will be so jealous and proud at the same time!
Stay FABULOUS and join the Ladies Lounge Miami!!  Check it out today on Facebook or you can contact them at ladiesloungemiami@yahoo.com


  1. Is a must for girls that are new in the Miami area, and actually if you go to facebook and search Ladies Lounge Miami you can join the group as well as get more info and check the pictures.

  2. This is awesome!!! Calling all ladies to follow this blog! Thanks Paola!!
